Now the pressure's on!


Wow., the intensity of love that came my way yesterday was overwhelming. Trust me when I say that I would never wish a life altering experience like this upon any of you and yet- I would wish that each of you gets to experience once in your life the overwhelming response of love and community that I felt when I revealed Talia's condition to the world. I feel lifted up by your sea of support and bowled over by this tsunami of love. I've always believed in being true to my own emotions, dark, light, judgey and sarcastic as they may be and sharing my experiences openly, regardless of judgement and this day has proven that point for me once again. So thank you to all my friends, family and new readers.The posts I wrote up to this point were written seen only by me. That all changes now that it's public. I hope that doesn't cause me to filter my thoughts differently or present myself as something other than what I truly am. So, love you all though I do, I'm going to do my best to forget that you are even reading this. The point of my writing is to process my own thoughts and I made it public to give you who are interested a more well rounded view of what our life is like, rather than a snapshot of how I happen to be doing on one isolated day. I'm not seeking out likes on Facebook or even comments here on the blog. I feel honored that anyone wants to read this, but please know that I feel your love whether or not you meticulously follow my posts or not.Post diagnosis I've struggled with the idea that now "My life has to mean something" or that everything I do will forever be seen through the lens of "in spite of everything."As in, she looks so happy "in spite of everything", or look at her successfully go to the grocery store "in spite of everything." I understand that now I'm a part of a narrative, and that I truly don't know the ways that this journey will change me, but more than anything I want to my family to be viewed as you would any family (with a smile, and some mild judgement behind the eyes!) I don't want pity and I don't want to be elevated into some kind of saintly mother figure. Trust me, this could have happened to any of us, and we are all stronger than we know.With all that behind me, I again want to say thanks. The brilliant light you shone my way in the past 24 hours will glow forever inside me helping me find my way out of the darkness to come.